My cutie bloggie,i hav bored you for almost 3 months!and now PMR ended,i have started my bored and dull holidays,school is SHIT,they didn't just give us freedom,but all those stupid and useless 'activities'hey guys,lets hang out!
And just two day after our exam,we went to GENTING with eming,vii,angela,regine,yuen yi,steph,xing yi.i'll just post some photos here,too lazy to write anything anymore.
so,do we look like this were the first time we went genting!XD
from 'bird eye view'ahaa![vii man regine]
the wind was too strong,and its the first game we played MATAHARI.[man regine]
so,we made a call.[all of us + yuen yi(the photographer)]
i love GREEN
one more!cutie
so who was this?!its [ming man]'s
and here's the owners!
[Man Vii]here!
one more with random
[man lala]
and 3 0f us 'suffering'[vii la man]
[man steph]our eyes looked painful,wei!
[dad with me]once again!
and lovely Eming spend me one too!oh thx dear,but u owe me 5 more ya!
with blur xing yi
[steph man]
so guys,thx got the cupcakes and the late night!
have great day with them,love them!chu~♥
next,its THANK YOU time!firstly,thx my family who celebrate with me the day after my birthday!WOOHOO!
next,thx my lovely sister who gave me a great GREAT GREAT present [SHINee LUCIFER ALBUM].i really like it very much.ahaaa.chu~♥
look!!its my dear KEY!!
ofcuz my lovely friends!LAI HOR SHIN,where's the name list,i need to thanks them!btw,thx everyone!!i love the awesome present too!hehee!
like it!
and one more from bee ling aunt!thx aunt!
its woven hats!
lastly,thx everyone who wish me on facebook!thx!
in the future,i wanna buy myself a present too!i wanted it so badly!i will get it soon!